Monday, March 30, 2015

Who Were my People?

Usually my worked varied from these specific places that were alone, but the other half of the time, there were people in these scenes. In my works, the number of people varied. Their were people who were by themselves, scenes with couples, and some with a larger group of maybe abut four people. Usually with larger groups, each person was similar but also different in some weird way. Each scene told a different story. That is why I wanted to leave it up to each individual viewer. When I did paint a solo painting, they were usually of women, often looking down, looking out the window, or reading. The scenes were isolated and some were very peaceful. Some of the women looked curious, upset, sad, or even relaxed. Again, it has a lot to do with the viewer. With the larger groups, there was often a scene involving conversation. This is to represent human connection and interaction. Because of my past experience with illustrations, those same characteristics of a "story" has carried over to my painting. In addition, the facial expressions and features were not as clear, their faces didn't ever really show as much detail.

"The Room in New York"

"Morning Sun"

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